Tag Archives: Mushrooms

How Much Do Shrooms Cost?

Everyone wants to know how much shrooms cost. The price varies geographically with other factors. This psychedelic contains psilocybin, a hallucinogenic substance. Psilocybin is found in both dried and fresh mushrooms, and it has an immediate effect on users. Magic Mushrooms grow naturally in the absence of human intervention. Because it is a fungus, it […]

What Are the Best Magic Mushrooms?

What Are the Best Magic Mushrooms?

What Are the Best Magic Mushrooms? You’ve heard about psilocybin mushrooms, maybe even through their well known pen name, ‘magic mushrooms’ or ‘shrooms’, but did you know that there’s over 180 psilocybin mushroom species that could occasion your consciousness-expanding journey through space and time? Though some may be more readily accessible than others, each of […]